Anurag Asati Classes

Anurag Asati Classes

" The Value of Games" Artical writing | Essay writing on English Language| Easy & short 😍

"The Value of Games" Artical writing | Essay writing on English Language| Easy & short 😍    

"The Value of Games" Artical writing | Essay writing on English Language| Easy & short


                   The Value of Games
                      Article Writing

Games are very important for our health. We Cannot alive in this world without games because of many dreadful diseases.
 Games make our body healthy. It is also necessary to refresh our mind. it removes sadness and we feel happiness .There are so many games and sports like cricket, football, hockey basketball & Kho-kho etc .
We should play these games along with our studies . There are so many diseases increasing day by day, to defeat them. Games are very necessary . Games and sports make team spirit and  brotherhood.
Regular practice is necessary to improve any games, BP and sugar can be controled with the help of games and sports.
Sum and substance we can say that life is not possible without games and sports in modern
 "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull bay"
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